Publications By Author : Noah Wamalwa

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Mon, May 8, 2023

IEA Kenya Webinar #13/2023: Examining Government of Kenya’s Fiscal Data Up to March 2023: What Does it tell us?

Author(s) Kwame Owino, Noah Wamalwa,

Theme: Budget,

This presentation was made by Kwame Owino and Noah Wamalwa during the Virtual public forum on Examining Government of Kenya’s Fiscal Data Up to March 2023: What Does it tell us? held on Thursday, 4th May 2023

File Size: 1.3mb
No of Downloads: 643.

Mon, Feb 13, 2023

Analysis of the Auditor General’s Reports on the Financial Statements of Kisumu County Executive for the FY 2018/19-2019/20

Author(s) Noah Wamalwa,

Theme: Accountability, Budget, Transparancy,

This is a  simplified analysis of Kisumu County Auditors General’s report on the financial statement for financial years 2018/2019 and 2019/2020.The analysis is for engagement with Kisumu County government especially oversight bodies in the county to promote transparency and accountability in resources management.

File Size: 363kb
No of Downloads: 502.

Mon, Sep 19, 2022


Author(s) Annah-Grace Kemunto, Kwame Owino, Maureen Barasa, Noah Wamalwa,

Theme: Accountability,

The Know Your County Fact Book is a compendium of data points on administrative, demographic, education, gender, health, public finance management, socio-economics and political information at the national and county levels of government.

In 2013 Kenya commenced the transition from a centralized to a decentralized governance system comprising of the national government and 47 county governments. Devolution aims to enhance service delivery to citizens by bringing the resources closer to them at the county level. As highlighted in Article 186 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 there exist exclusive and shared functions and powers of the respective levels of government therefore creating the need to track and compare the progress made across counties post devolution.

File Size: 25.6 MB
No of Downloads: 2102.

Tue, Apr 19, 2022

Fact Sheet Kenya’s Budget 2022/23

Author(s) Noah Wamalwa,

IEA Kenya Fact sheet on Kenya’s Budget FY 2022/23 which was tabled on 7th April 2022

File Size: 547KB
No of Downloads: 883.

Mon, Jan 10, 2022

Policy Brief of the Key Audit Findings of the National Government Accounts, 2019/20

Author(s) Darmi Jattani, John Mutua, Noah Wamalwa,

Theme: Accountability, Budget,

The analysis shows in 2019/20, there has been an overall improvement in the way the financial statements were prepared which is attributed to use of IFMIS, guidance by The National Treasury through circulars and issuance of reporting templates to Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) by the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (PSASB). The presentation of the financial statements is however, still below expectations when viewed holistically.

File Size: 506KB
No of Downloads: 778.

Thu, Jan 6, 2022

Financing Covid 19 Vaccination in Kenya: Cost Simulation Analysis

Author(s) Noah Wamalwa,

Theme: Health,

Why Vaccination? Vaccination will lead to a reduction in community transmission of COVID-19, cases of severe illness and the number of hospitalizations and fatality cases because of COVID-19 infection. Most importantly, a successful vaccination program will allow for the full re-opening of the economy.

File Size: 6.4 MB
No of Downloads: 437.

Fri, Mar 19, 2021

Webinar #11 of 2021 Virtual public forum on Issues in Revenue Estimation in Kenya

Author(s) John Mutua, Noah Wamalwa,

Theme: Budget,

This presentation was made by John Mutua, during the Virtual public forum on  Issues in Revenue Estimation in Kenya ”Implications for County Budgets”  held on Friday, 19th March 2021.

File Size: 543.94 KB
No of Downloads: 252.

Thu, Feb 13, 2020

Eight Facts on the Medical Equipment Leasing Project in Kenya

Author(s) John Mutua, Noah Wamalwa,

Theme: Economic Policy,

This fact sheet examines the status of implementation and performance as a value for money assessment of the MES project; and draws recommendations for policy engagement on corrective measures for the MES Project.

File Size: 1.02 MB
No of Downloads: 512.

Thu, Sep 6, 2018

Kenya Urban Areas Performance Index Report 2017

Author(s) John Mutua, Noah Wamalwa,

Theme: General,

This report shows performance of the six largest urban areas in Kenya based on three areas, namely: service delivery, conditions for investment and governance. Performance of these urban areas is assessed using the Urban Areas Performance Index, a composite Index comprising 67 indicators (questions) that scores, on a scale of 0 (least performance) to 100 (best performance) points and ranks these urban areas. Urban areas that ensure individuals’ free choice, create favourable business conditions, use public resources efficiently and ensure transparency of their activities are ranked higher.

Also, the report provides a rich source of data and information that can be used by different audiences including policy makers, civil society, researchers, students, the media and indeed the general public to inform debate and dialogue on urban governance and planning. For example, this report provides policy makers with impetus to initiate the process of establishing urban areas structures. Similarly, it provides key messages for other groups such as the media and civil society to advocate for the same.

File Size: 974.21 KB
No of Downloads: 2788.