The Kenya Government’s commitment to provision of quality and affordable health care for all Kenyans from a constitutional, policy and even global perspective is not in doubt. As a critical component of economic development, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is identified as one of the planks of the government’s “Big Four” Agenda.
Despite obvious successes in health outcomes, in part driven by Devolution, challenges especially of inadequate medical personnel, low specialized health infrastructure to deal with a rise in non- communicable diseases and cases of injuries remain. This has engendered increasing demand for health services, piling pressure on the government budget.
The leasing of medical equipment (Managed Equipment Services-MES) project was initiated in 2015 as an alternative health care financing option to scale up health infrastructure for provision of specialized medical care. The question of whether this was the most cost-effective intervention, especially as a public private partnership (PPP) project, is what this publication sought to investigate. Which then begs the question: four years down the line, is the public getting value for money from implementation of the project?