Post date: Tue, Apr 28, 2020 |
Category: Health |
By: Michelle Onditi, |
Tuesday, April 28, 2020: The IEA-Kenya together with the Urban Institute, a partner think tank based in the US launched a study titled “Comparison of County Health System Capacity Against Population Risk.”. The study co-authored by the two organizations – presented the findings of the two indexes on the comparison of County Health System Capacity Against Population Risk to inform policy discourse on the COVID 19 pandemic. The objective of the forum was to provide policy considerations in response to COVID 19 in Kenya.
Follow the link to download the presentation
Post date: Tue, Apr 28, 2020 | | Category: Health | | By: Michelle Onditi, |
Tuesday, April 28, 2020: The IEA-Kenya together with the Urban Institute, a partner think tank based in the US launched a study titled “Comparison of County Health System Capacity Against Population Risk.”. The study co-authored by the two organizations – presented the findings of the two indexes on the comparison of County Health System Capacity Against Population Risk to inform policy discourse on the COVID 19 pandemic. The objective of the forum was to provide policy considerations in response to COVID 19 in Kenya.
Follow the link to download the presentation
The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA-Kenya) has made a compilation of 52 essays that refutes common statements about the Kenyan economy that lack sound Economic rationale.
The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA Kenya) has emerged as one of the top Think Tanks in Kenya and Sub Saharan Africa, according to the 2020 Global Index Report by the Lauder Institute of the University of Pennsylvania. The ranking identifies think tanks that excel in research, analysis and public engagement on a wide range […]
Friday, 06 November 2020: The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA-Kenya) in partnership with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) held a media briefing to discuss the “Implementation of the national government budget FY 2019/20: Implication of gaps and deviations?” The findings and evidence generated from the analysis of budget oversight documents will be used to establish […]
In 2012, Kenya’s oil discoveries were greeted with nationalist fervor. Pundits, officials, and their surrogates played avatar to the proposition that Kenya’s economic wants would soon be fulfilled by an oil bonanza. Some were inspired to prepare for a migration of labor and capital into oil production. Others erred towards caution. Others still expressed the […]
Monday, August 3, 2020: The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA-Kenya) held a virtual public forum on The 3rd Basis for Revenue Sharing among County governments – Rationale, Politics, Future of the Formula. The discussion mainly focused on county budget allocation, expenditure and delivery. On implementation of the third basis, the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) […]