Bulletins and Briefs ( 246 Found )

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Sat, May 5, 2001

The Current Budget in Perspective: Building into the Proposals for the 2001/2 Budget

Theme: General,

While Kenya is deep into the fourth quarter of the 2000/2001 budget, it is not only evident that the development forecast has been missed by a long shot, but also that the expectation of a balanced budget is no longer a realistic one.

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No of Downloads: 1078.

Wed, May 2, 2001

Developing the Frontiers of Kenya’s Competition Law and Policy

Theme: General,

The development of competition law and policy has become a policy boom area internationally on account of economic integration and increased trade. Kenya’s competition law, the Restrictive Trade Practices, Monopolies and Price Control Act has governed Kenya’s competitive sphere since enactment in 1989. A changed economic context and the institutional framework present new challenges to both the conception and principles governing Kenya’s law.

File Size: 163.12 KB
No of Downloads: 2528.

Mon, Apr 2, 2001

Petroleum Sub-Sector : Debating the Appropriate Policy Framework

Theme: General,

While real reforms in the petroleum sub-sector commenced in 1994, the legislative frameworks needed to complement those substantive reforms were delayed. While those legislative reforms are necessary to complement the shifts towards progressive policies, the situation was not complicated when the public realized that despite the fact that the government had lined up a bill (The Petroleum Bill, 2000).

File Size: 179.73 KB
No of Downloads: 1347.

Mon, Jan 1, 2001

Economic Imperatives in the Context of Political Transition

Theme: General,

As the year 2000 closed, there was universal admission that it had been by far the worst in Kenya’s history since  independence. This judgement was qualified by the fact that not only was the country experiencing the worst drought recorded in forty years, great uncertainty over the restoration of donor support, a fourth consecutive year of economic decline, an unprecedented energy crisis, but also unresolved and worsening constitutional impasse.

File Size: 145.99 KB
No of Downloads: 1666.

Thu, Nov 2, 2000

Reassessing Kenya’s Land Reform

Theme: General,

Land reform issues have gained prominence together with much controversy. Events in places such as Zimbabwe led Kenyans to re-examine more closely land reform and the institutions involved in the matter in Kenya.

File Size: 156.24 KB
No of Downloads: 4037.

Mon, Sep 4, 2000

Power Crisis : Beyond Blame & Blunder

Theme: General,

While the meteorological department had published forecasts that Kenya would experience drought in the years 1999 and 2000, it was never anticipated that the effects would include a severe and almost crippling electric power shortage.

File Size: 149.83 KB
No of Downloads: 2057.

Fri, Sep 1, 2000

Corruption in Kenya : A Call to Action

Theme: General,

The pervasive and distortionary nature of corruption in Kenya is an acknowledged fact. Whereas privately transacted, corrupt practices engender costs that are borne by the whole society. At a time when the moral infrastructure of society has collapsed and the demand for rapid accumulation on the rise, the art and science of corruption has acquired a sophistication that requires ingenious combat strategies.

File Size: 194.18 KB
No of Downloads: 4712.

Tue, Jul 11, 2000

Budget 2000/2001 – Where Will Our Money Go?

Theme: General,

This financial year, the government will spend most of our money on salaries and debt service!. According to the Estimates, the government will spend a total of Ksh. 266.2 billion over the financial year 2000/2001. Most of this expenditure—250.906 billion (94%) will be on recurrent expenditure and 6% (15.306 billion) is intended as development expenditure. Of the total expenditure, 41% (109.9 billion) goes toward debt

service while 53% (140.970 billion) goes to salaries, operations and maintenance (both debt and salaries &operations and maintenance make up recurrent expenditure)!

File Size: 86.29 KB
No of Downloads: 2190.

Sun, Jul 2, 2000

The Coffee Industry in Kenya

Theme: General,

Coffee production in Kenya takes place in a variety of ways. This is because the production occurs in small and large-scale farms whose dynamics of production are altogether very different. However, even after the liberalisation of the industry, the balancing of the interests of the cooperatives, the Coffee Board of Kenya and the millers has been less than harmonious.

File Size: 158.03 KB
No of Downloads: 8011.