Date | Details | Document |
Sun, Nov 30, 2008 |
Telecommunications Policy in Transition: Mainstreaming Kenya into the Global Information EconomyAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, Kenya, like many other countries, is increasingly recognizing that an efficient telecommunications sector is a fundamental prerequisite for national competitiveness in the emerging global information society. This is the context in which Kenya’s telecommunications policy and regulation system operates. |
File Size: 40.00 KB No of Downloads: 4018. |
Sun, Nov 30, 2008 |
Budget Transparency: Kenyan PerspectiveAuthor(s): Albert K. Mwenda, Mary N. Gachocho,Theme: General, During the last two decades, the fiscal policy in Kenya has remained the most challenging and complex area of macroeconomic management characterized by persistent budget deficits, rising debt burden, persistent low economic growth rates, high interest and inflation rates. In addition, public finance utilization and management has been poor allegedly due to among other factors, high level of corruption; poor accountability; improper procurement and tendering; over-invoicing; wasteful expenditure; lack of discipline and proper work ethics in the public sector; and lack of openness in the budget process (CGD, 2001). |
File Size: 40.00 KB No of Downloads: 2255. |
Sun, Nov 30, 2008 |
Mainstreaming Gender in National Budgets: The Gaps in the Kenya Budget ProcessAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, Gender responsive budgeting involves analysing the impact of the budget on men and women, boys and girls, and on different groups of men and women (Budlender and Sharp 1998); it is not about casting a separate budget for men and women. The revenue handles used to raise taxes and the expenditure pattern can and often do have different impacts on women and men, boys and girls. Furthermore, the macroeconomic framework underpinning the budget determines the incentive structure in the economy, consumption, savings and investment propensities and the structure of production in the economy. The incentives thus determine the kinds of jobs that are created (or lost through retrenchment) |
File Size: 40.00 KB No of Downloads: 4537. |
Sun, Nov 30, 2008 |
Trade Facilitation: Issues for Kenya and KenyaAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, This study analysed trade facilitation according to the July package, discussed trade facilitation organs, identified trade facilitation concerns for Kenya and analysed the benefits and costs of Kenya negotiating a multilateral agreement on trade facilitation. According to WTO (2004), the July package, trade facilitation is the expedition of the movement, release and clearance of goods including goods in transit. |
File Size: 422.62 KB No of Downloads: 4763. |
Sun, Nov 30, 2008 |
Implications of an EPA for KenyaAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, The stated objective of the EPAs, (according to the EU) is to introduce reciprocity into (and therefore achieve WTO compatibility for) the long standing trade relationships between the EU and the ACP. As such it is incumbent on ACP countries like Kenya that are contemplating negotiating an EPA to ensure that, at a minimum, market access gains secured under the Lome conventions are not eroded or that there are net welfare gains for the country in the new trade arrangements. |
File Size: 40.00 KB No of Downloads: 3499. |
Sun, Nov 30, 2008 |
Budget Analysis, Monitoring and Impact Assessment from a Gender PerspectiveAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, This is a report of a training workshop organized by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and Abantu for Development on Budget Analysis, Monitoring and Impact Assessment held between September 4th and 8th 2005 at the Great Rift Valley Lodge Naivasha. |
File Size: 40.00 KB No of Downloads: 2226. |
Sun, Nov 30, 2008 |
Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Practice and Regulatory Policy in KenyaAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, The Government is increasingly seeking to develop financing mechanisms, which bring together the public and private sectors, not only to control budgetary expenditure but also to pool these two sectors’ specific know-how. |
File Size: 40.00 KB No of Downloads: 9417. |
Sun, Nov 30, 2008 |
Taxation & Tax Modernization in Kenya: A Diagnosis of Performance & Options for Further ReformAuthor(s): Eliud Moyi, Eric Ronge,Theme: General, This paper discusses some of the important issues related to tax administration, tax policy and tax modernization as implemented in Kenya. This is approached from both macroeconomic and microeconomic viewpoints using data from 1996 to 2005. The macroeconomic perspective focuses mainly on issues of tax yields and structure of taxation while the microeconomic perspective looks at specific issues of tax design and tax administration. |
File Size: 791.91 KB No of Downloads: 41382. |
Sun, Nov 30, 2008 |
Engendering Education Sector Budget:Reforming Future Education Sector BudgetsAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, This paper thoroughly analyses budgetary, policy implications and recommends way forward for the education sector. The main purpose is to inform the budget proposals and contribute to Medium term expenditure framework (MTEF) education sector as the salient features that could spur the sector for economic and social development. |
File Size: 40.00 KB No of Downloads: 4260. |