
Project Name:




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Evidence-based Formulation and Reform of Kenya’s Tax Code to Promote Inclusion and Tax Policy Coherence







































William and Flora Hewlett Foundation









































March 01, 2023









































24 Months
























































































US$ 1,000,000










































The goal of this project is to generate evidence and elevate policy dialogues that will contribute towards formulation and reform of coherent and inclusive tax policies in Kenya. Presently, Kenya has a large body of fragmented taxation laws, characterized by frequent, unpredictable alterations. The complex, incoherent nature of Kenya’s taxation laws has precluded many citizens from engaging in tax policy discourse, resulting in inefficient and inequitable development outcomes. Through a comprehensive tax incidence and tax elasticity analysis, the project will generate evidence on the effects and proportionate burden of various taxes on firms, groups, and households bearing different social and economic attributes. Further, the project also seeks to raise the capability of selected non-state actors including civil society organizations and special interest groups to participate in taxation policy-making and review processes, through a series of training and institutional support. As a result, this will promote inclusive governance by increasing use of evidence in tax policy formulation and reform and increased evidence-based discourse on tax policy.

Increasing the Utilization of Auditor General Reports by Civil Society












Deepening Democracy Programme (DDP)/United Kingdom Agency for International Development (UKaid) 









July 2018














15 Months










































GBP 498,992.18













The objective of the project is to expand access and utilization of the Auditor General’s reports nationally and in nine counties (Baringo, Busia, Homa Bay, Kitui, Mombasa, Nairobi, Narok, Siaya and Tharaka Nithi. The project will provide training to CSOs on how to interpret and understand the OAG reports, as well as provide support to oversight committees on implementation of the reports

Enhancing fiscal justice and accountability in the management of public resources in Kenya








FORD Foundation











June 2018











12 Months

































USD 100,522











The overall goal of the project is to enhance budget transparency and effective participation of non-state actors in public finance management, through tracking of Kenya’s current debt levels and facilitating public dialogues on related topics including revenue, taxation and public expenditure trends in Kenya


Project name Financing Partner Start Date Duration Status Partners Amount Description
Using Tools and Evidence to Improve Kenya’s Decentralized System of Governance towards achieving Equitable Revenue Sharing William and Flora Hewlett Foundation 1st June 2019 30 Months Complete Urban Institute, Washington DC, USA USD 1,000,000  Kenya’s new decentralized system of governance is highly dependent on an adequate and timely sharing of revenue by the National government with the country’s 47 Counties.  Current revenue-sharing arrangements are neither adequate nor timely, adversely affecting budget execution at the county level.  This project will develop models and tools to bring evidence to bear in the revenue-sharing debate in Parliament and, thereby, support the Commission on Revenue Allocation, an entity specifically established in the 2010 Constitution to serve as the agent of the Counties in the revenue-sharing process.
Promotion of Effective CSO Engagement and Advocacy in Sanitation Policy SNV Netherlands June 2016 4.5 years Complete -Iten Integrated Environmental Conservation (IIEC) – Elgeyo Marakwet County
-Community Information and Transformation Organization ( CITRO) – Kericho County
-Center of Advocacy & Interventions on Talents, Healthcare & Sanitation (CAITHS) – Homa Bay County
*Year 2016 – Ksh 1,994,492.09
*Year 2017 – Ksh 5,625,840.53
*Year 2018 – Ksh 8,498,570.00
*Year 2019 – Ksh 9,423,897.75
*Year 2020 –  TBC
SNV Netherlands under the voice for change programme empowers CSOs to engage with decision makers, and those responsible for implementing decisions, by providing sound arguments and a solid evidence base, backing the proposed changes in their country. The project entails analysis of the WASH sector in Kenya with a bias in sanitation in order to understand the state of play. These include reviewing the context on sanitation policy, legal and institutional framework and more focus on analyzing levels of access and utilization of improved sanitation in three county governments in Kenya.
Governance for Health in Kenya Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa 1st December 2017 36 Months Complete None USD 270,000 The objective of this project is to bring evidence to bear on the value for money assessment of government of Kenya’s leasing of medical equipment project, as an emerging health sector financing option. To precede the studies, we will conduct a political economy analysis of health sector financing in Kenya to understand the interaction of the interests and influences of different actors given the asymmetry of power in the allocation of resources. On this basis, the evidence generated on emerging health governance issues and other related materials developed including digital visualization of health budget and expenditure, will be used for advocacy and policy engagement.
Improving performance of Kenyan Urban Areas Think Tank Initiaitive (Opportunity Fund-IDRC) and AHADI Kenya March  2016 15 months Complete Lithuanian Free Market Institute CAD 191,237.41 – IDRC  USD 99,619 – AHADI Kenya The central objective of this project is to support reforms for greater efficiency, competitiveness, transparency, accountability, accessibility, citizen’s engagement and overall public integrity in select governance areas in Kenya’s six largest urban areas (Eldoret, Kisumu, Machakos, Mombasa, Nairobi and Nakuru)
Analysis of Public Spending in agriculture at National level and in select counties ActionAid International, Kenya October 2015 2 months Complete None USD 25,000.01 Research through collection, collation and analysis of information required to determine the overall agriculture budget of the government in terms of prioritization, progression, utilization and value from 2012 to 2015, with allocation during pre-devolution era as the basis for comparison. The project also aims at examining the trends in agriculture budget allocation in select counties and implications of this pattern of allocation to the sector. The counties involved in this project include Baringo, West Pokot, Kilifi, Kakamega, Migori, Kitui, Makueni, Embu and Isiolo Counties.
Children Budget Analysis and Advocacy United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) July 2014 7 months Complete None USD 93,084 Analysis of budget and policy documents both at national and county level with focus on social sector programmes for children. The evidence generated from this research is to be used by the Civil Society Organizations and UNICEF to advocate for formulation of child sensitive policies, plans and budgets at both national and county levels. This project was undertaken in Turkana, Kakamega, Kwale, Kilifi, Tana River and Garissa Counties in addition to the national level.
Promoting Transparency and Accountability in County Government Budgets Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) May 2014 14 months Complete Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI), Health Rights Advocacy Forum (HERAF), Chemichemi Ya Ukweli (CYU), Global Empowerment Initiatives (GEI) and Kerio Center for Community Development and Human Rights (KCCDHR) USD 74,481 Strengthening the capacity of civil society coalitions to provide input on budget by monitoring public funds and advocating for budget reforms. In this Project, CIPE supported the IEA together with the coalition partners in monitoring devolved county budgets and strengthening democratic governance through fiscal dialogue with county governments.
Open Budget Survey International Budget Partnership (IBP) March 2014 12 months Complete None USD 5,000 An independent, regular and comparative survey that measures budget transparency and accountability around the world. The survey is produced and developed every two years by the IBP and administered by independent experts.
Increased Demand for Budget Transparency International Budget Partnership (IBP) January 2014 6 months Complete None USD 100,000 Promotion of increased budget transparency in Kenya including review and analysis of the national Budget Policy Statement (BPS) and the Division of Revenue Bill (DORB) during the Budget formulation stage; Analysis of In-Year reports and Supplementary Budget during the Budget Execution Stage; Enhancement of civil society’s capacity to engage in the budget process through undertaking of broadened pre and post budget hearings.
Increased Demand for Budget Transparency International Budget Partnership (IBP) January 2014 18 months Ongoing None USD100, 000.00 Promotion of increased budget transparency in Kenya.
Sub National Open Budget Survey (SNOBS) World Bank January 2014 13 months Complete None USD 139,066 Sub national open budget survey in ten counties in Kenya. SNOBS assess the availability in each county of eight key budget documents, as well as the comprehensiveness of the data contained in these documents. The Survey also examines the extent of effective oversight provided by the county legislatures and supreme audit institutions (SAI), as well as the opportunities available to the public to participate in the county budget decision-making processes. This project was piloted in Kisumu, Kajiado, Bungoma, Nandi, Machakos, Nakuru, Taita Taveta, Mombasa, Nyeri and Garissa Counties.
Open Budget Survey Tracker International Budget Partnership (IBP) November 2013 24 months Complete None USD 1,500 An online database that provides open access to frequently update information on whether the government of Kenya releases each of the eight key budget documents on schedule.
Gender Responsive Budgeting United Nations Development Fund For Women (UNIFEM) 2012 18 months Complete TI-Kenya   Empowering women and their communities by enhancing collective, transparent, and accountable and gender responsive planning and budgeting processes in Kenya.
Open budget Survey 2012 Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) 2012 18 months Complete None   The Open Budget Survey assesses the availability in each country of eight key budget documents, as well as the comprehensiveness of the data contained in these documents. The Survey also examines the extent of effective oversight provided by legislatures and supreme audit institutions (SAI), as well as the opportunities available to the public to participate in national budget decision-making processes.
Public Revenue Analysis International Budget Partnership (IBP)   28 months Complete None   Promote participation of civil society organization in tax decisions and policy by examining the currenttax reforms measures and their potential for increasing compliance and improvement in revenue collection. Additionally, focused on the promoting transparency of revenue budgets and collection practices as well as building a knowledge base for revenue analysis work that can be used to inform public finance management reforms.
Empowering Civil Society to Advocate for Budget Reforms The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) August 2011 2 years 9 months Complete MUHURI (Muslims for Human Rights), HERAF and Wellsprings of Truth   Strengthen the capacity of existing civil society coalitions to monitor public funds and enhance the ability of Civil Society Organizations to advocate for budget reforms


Project name Financing Partner Start Date Duration Status Partners Amount Description
China Studies International Development Research Centre (IDRC) January 2014 12 months Ongoing None   The research comprises of four papers namely: Historical Contexts and Trade and Investment; Food Security Impact; Aid Relations, Political Economy and Its Implications on Governance and Trade and FDI Impacts.
THE EAC – EU Economic Partnership Agreement: Context, Content and Consequences International Development Research Centre (IDRC) January 2014 12 months  Complete None KSH 224,911.99 To examine and the potential effects of the EPA on Kenya’s trade and development position.
Kenya Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Trade Concession International Development Research Centre (IDRC) January 2014 12 months Ongoing Ongoing KSH. 248,404.00 To examine the 15 years of existence of AGOA and provide an analysis of post-2015 short-term and long term strategy in order to utilize the full benefits of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade incentives post 2015.
Kenya Extractives Sector Analysis and Policy Engagement Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development (DFATD-KENYA)   April
8 months Complete Kenya Vision 2030, Information Centre for the Extractives Sector (ICES/AfDB) KSH 24, 370, 796 Research and analytical work and policy engagements on the extractives sector in Kenya. 
Development of IEA – Kenya’s Strategic Plan 2014 – 2019 International Development Research Centre (IDRC) January 2014 6 months Complete International Development Research Centre (IDRC)   The Trade and Development Programme took lead to coordinate the new strategic plan for the period 2014 – 2019. This plan communicates organizational goals, the actions needed to achieve those goals and all of the other critical elements developed during the planning process.
Strengthening Institutions to Improve Public Expenditure & Accountability The Department for International Development (DFID) October 2008 60 months Complete The Global Development Network   Supports and empowers local research institutions to produce reliable public expenditure analyses, reform proposals and shape policy debates.
Project name Financing Partner Start Date Duration Status Partners Amount Description
Enhancing visibility of Kenya National Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KENASVIT)
through Advocacy
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) November 2014    8 Months Ongoing KENASVIT USD 6,700 This project seeks to find out the extent of implementation of the SME Act 2012 which was operationalized in January 2013 and how, if at all, it has been able to work to the advantage of the SMEs in the country. To this end, KENASVIT, which is an umbrella body for such outfits with the aid of analysis by the IEA Kenya, will have policy briefs as concerns the state of implementation and any recommendations thereof.
Energy Industry Policy and Strategy International Development Research Centre (IDRC) August 2014 8.5 Months Ongoing Institute for Legislative Affairs and Kenyatta University CAD 63,955 This is a situational analysis of the Alcohol Control Policy in Kenya. It seeks to provide a comprehensive description of current alcohol control policy and legislation in Kenya, evaluate them in terms of their implementation and identify the hindrances their effective application, if any. It will also seek to find out the extent to which both government and non-government organizations have put in place programs that encourage safe drinking and if these programs are effective. This is a multi-country study that is being carried out by similar organizations in Benin, Nigeria and Uganda.
Enhancing Property Rights: Implementing New Land Laws   Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) September 2013  12 months Complete None USD 20,000  Conduct research on small and medium enterprises as pertain to their impact on property rights in Kenya. This was aimed at highlighting the extent to which the new land laws affect tenant rights within the Nairobi’s Central Business District. 
Study on “Welfare Impacts of Climate Change in Nairobi, Kenya.” Focus on Informal Settlements Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)   October 2013  3 months Complete None KES 360,000 The project studied the welfare impacts of climate change in Nairobi with a bias towards the informal settlements. An in-depth look at urbanization and how the rate of urbanization gives yield to the effects that are felt as a result of climate change, the strategies in place to deal with the effects as well as mitigation policies that have been meted by both government and non-government organizations.
Energy Industry Policy and Strategy Korea Energy Economic Institute (KEEI) November 2013  4 months Complete None USD 10,000 Conduct situational analysis of the energy sector and give a report of the same. It looked at the various sources of energy in the country (Renewable and Non-renewable) and the extent to which they have been utilized, the reach to the population and how best they can be utilized.
Using Voter Education to Empower, Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities to Participate in Issue Based Campaigns The International Foundation for Electoral Systems/ Kenya Electoral Assistance Programme April 2017 8 months Ongoing None KES 13,000,000

This project aims at contributing to issue based politics and elections using a non-partisan and value free methodology. The activities are geared towards realisation of three overall project component areas namely: Voter Education, and Election Coordination; Women and Youth Participation; and Dialogue and Consensus-Building. It shall isolate five issues of social and economic policy that are currently affecting the country and apply the same in voter education and facilitate dialogue on the areas identified.The areas of focus include employment, water and sanitation, health, education and housing with a Gender, Persons with Disability (PWD) and Youth dimension.

Project name Financing Partner Start Date Duration Status Partners Amount Description
Informal City Dialogues – Nairobi Scenarios Rockefeller Foundation January 2013 12 months Complete Forum for the Future (Coordination and Subcontracting) and Next City (Media and Communications)   Surface and encourage innovations that will help cities build on the strengths of the informal city to achieve a more inclusive and resilient future. The project took place in six cities: Manila (Philippines), Bangkok (Thailand), Chennai (South East Asia), Lima (Peru), Accra (Ghana) and Nairobi (Kenya).
Active and Responsible Kenyans (ARK) Project Uraia Trust  October 2012 7 months Complete None   Enhance active and informed participation among the youth and policy influencers in the electoral process and other decision-making processes in Kenya.
Enhancing Community Participation and Accountable Governance Diakonia Sweden – CIVSAM funds January 2012 36 months Complete None   Informed citizen participation in devolved governance and improving service delivery in the water sector and health sector in Machakos and Busia respectively. The project aimed at addressing: poor service delivery in the public sector, corruption prevalence in public service delivery, exclusion of and minimal participation of citizens in decentralization frameworks.
Empowering Communities for Self-Governance and Development (ECSGD) European Union January 2012 24 months Complete National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) and Diakonia Sweden   Improve the capacity of local communities to participate in economic planning, program design and demand for accountability in the utilization of decentralized funds. The project targeted 210 constituencies.

Project Name: Closing Gaps in Devolved Health Service Delivery for Select Counties

Financing Partner: USAID

Start Date: November 15, 2023

Duration:   5 Years

Status:        Ongoing

Amount:     US $ 7.99

Description: The “Closing Gaps in Devolved Health Service Delivery for Select Counties” aims to improve health services in Isiolo, Kakamega, Kilifi, Mombasa, and Nakuru counties. The project is being implemented by an IEA-Kenya led consortium with Development Initiatives and Concern Worldwide as key partners. This program will intervene in three key areas of devolved health governance: financing and efficiency in spending; oversight and accountability mechanisms; and alignment of health policies between national and county governments, as well as among county governments. The consortium will execute a series a of activities that will ultimately lead to the realization of the project’s impact of ‘county health services are more accountable and better financed to deepen devolution.

Project Name: Evidence-based Formulation and Reform of Kenya’s Tax Code to Promote Inclusion and Tax Policy Coherence

Financing Partner: William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Start Date: March 01, 2023

Duration:   24 Months

Status:        Ongoing

Amount:     US$ 1,000,000

Description: The goal of this project is to generate evidence and elevate policy dialogues that will contribute towards formulation and reform of coherent and inclusive tax policies in Kenya. Presently, Kenya has a large body of fragmented taxation laws, characterized by frequent, unpredictable alterations. The complex, incoherent nature of Kenya’s taxation laws has precluded many citizens from engaging in tax policy discourse, resulting in inefficient and inequitable development outcomes. Through a comprehensive tax incidence and tax elasticity analysis, the project will generate evidence on the effects and proportionate burden of various taxes on firms, groups, and households bearing different social and economic attributes. Further, the project also seeks to raise the capability of selected non-state actors including civil society organizations and special interest groups to participate in taxation policy-making and review processes, through a series of training and institutional support. As a result, this will promote inclusive governance by increasing use of evidence in tax policy formulation and reform and increased evidence-based discourse on tax policy.