Books ( 28 Found )

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Wed, May 11, 2011

Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Funds Utilisation and Management: Training of Trainers’ Manual

Author(s): IEA Kenya,

Theme: Budget,

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a management tool that forms an integral part of planning, policy formulation and analysis and decision making process. It reveals achievement of results and performance of activities, projects and programmes hence entrenching accountability and responsibility and thus it is a key element of a country’s public financial management system. An effective M&E system has three fundamental roles, namely: processing information for decision-making for instance, in resource allocation; assessing performance of individuals and institutions through accountability and incentives mechanisms and communicating and disseminating of information that is collected.

File Size: 1.01 MB
No of Downloads: 585.

Sat, Oct 9, 2010

The Citizens Handbook on the Budget: A Guide to the budget process in Kenya 1st Edition

Author(s): IEA Kenya,

Theme: General,

This handbook is an attempt to provide a brief and succinct discussion of the process and issues regarding Kenya’s budget. It brings into focus the importance of then National Budget as a significant policy tool which the government can use to improve the well-veing of Kenyans. It takes the reader through the major phases of the budget process, identifying the institutions and provisions that are at play at every stageand posing pertinent questions for enhanced understanding.

File Size: 4.09 MB
No of Downloads: 18278.

Sat, Oct 9, 2010

Constituency Strategic Planning Manual: Facilitator’s Guide

Theme: General,

The invaluable lessons learnt from the strategic planning exercises, and the enormous demands IEA-Kenya continues to receive from other constituencies, necessitated the writing of this manual. It is published to aide community facilitators to run successful constituency strategic planning workshops and to produce apt constituency strategic plans. The primary focus of these plans is the prioritizationof key performance areas to achieve the highest impact in collaboration with all development actors. It is therefore not a tool that aides the planning for one specificfund like CDF.

The full version of this book can be bought at the Institute of Economic Affairs

File Size: 7.60 MB
No of Downloads: 7365.

Wed, Oct 6, 2010

Report of the National Conference on Non-State Actors’ Role in Decentralized Financing in Kenya

Author(s): IEA Kenya,

Theme: General,

The national conference on Mapping Non State Actors’ Role in Decentralized Financing in Kenya brought together CSO’s, CBO’s and FBO’s in decentralized financing. The conference provided avenue for sharing experiences, and drawing lessons for involvement in devolution process in Kenya.

The specific objectives of the conference included mapping out non-state actors engagement with decentralized financing, auditing the impact of decentralized financing as a result of  the non-state actors participation,enhancing the networking of these organizations for greater impact in future, facilitating feedback between state actors and non-state actors, thus encouraging collaboration and greater effectiveness, identifying learning lessons that can be carried forward into the devolution process and agreeing on advocacy strategies for non-state actors in order to effectively engage with devolved governments in the new constitution

File Size: 1.96 MB
No of Downloads: 4805.

Wed, May 5, 2010

Talent Development in Sports & Arts

Theme: General,

IEA conducted a baseline survey in the sports and arts sector to establish the infrastructure available for development of talent as well as the extent nurtured talent in individuals has provided a means of livelihood.

File Size: 3.83 MB
No of Downloads: 3239.

Mon, Jun 1, 2009

The Kenyan Divides Perception Study

Theme: General,

This  study is basically an investigation of people’s perceptions regarding the most evident divisions during the post election violence (PEV 2007/2008). These divides include but are not limited to the following: religious; ethnic; class/socio-economic divisions; inter-generational; and regional divisions.

File Size: 17.17 KB
No of Downloads: 2854.

Sun, Nov 30, 2008

Promoting Competitiveness & Efficiency in Kenya the Role of Competition Policy & Law

Theme: General,

Competition law in Kenya originated with the Price Control Ordinance of 1956, renamed the Price Control Act of 1956, and revised in 1972. The philosophical consideration of the country’s competition policy has been to protect consumers against price increases.

File Size: 454.03 KB
No of Downloads: 8516.

Sun, Nov 30, 2008

The Little Fact Book The Socio Economic & Political Profiles of Kenya’s Districts

Theme: General,

This fact book presents existing public information. It is not based on new research but rather relies exclusively on already available data from an assortment of public sources.2 However, it reorganises this information on a district basis – and creates the demographic, development and political profile of each, accompanied by some explanatory notes. In most cases, districts are ranked relative to each other on their development and demographic indices. Such profile and ranking is intended to provide the basis for comparisons with other districts in the country. In preparing this socio-economic development of various districts of Kenya as a way of spurring debate about fundamental issues that should inform our electoral – and other decision making processes.

File Size: 415.64 KB
No of Downloads: 4411.

Sun, Nov 30, 2008

The Promise of Our Generation

Theme: General,

This booklet presents a long term vision for the country in 2027. It identifies the major challenges that face the country currently, that need to be met in order to realize the vision. It also outlines some elements of the strategy that will make the vision a reality.

File Size: 17.17 KB
No of Downloads: 1657.