Date | Details | Document |
Mon, Nov 19, 2012 |
Citizen Handbook on Taxation in KenyaAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, This handbook attempts to break down Kenya’s complex tax system into a user friendly form for consumption by the average person. It among other issues discusses design of various tax heads, their purposes and differences and also how they are administered. Taxation is the key source of revenue that the government of Kenya uses to provide public services to its citizenry. Over the last decade tax performance in Kenya has significantly improved in nominal terms averaging about 24% of the size of the economy. This has enabled the government to finance 60% of the budget. Due to its importance, tax policy debates and decision making becomes a critical issue to the public, to businesses and the economy at large owing to the varied impact that it will have on each of these entities. Therefore the design and performance of the tax system has implications for inequality and as such it is the role of the government to ensure that it pursues an fair tax system for equitable distribution of income and welfare of the citizens. The other important benchmarks for assessing the tax system include simplicity, adequacy and neutrality |
File Size: 652.70 KB No of Downloads: 222473. |
Tue, Oct 9, 2012 |
Biodiversity, Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property in KenyaAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, While it is acknowledged that the Kenyan Government has put in place initiatives to deal with the biopiracy menace, there is evidence that the country has lost several biological resources which have ended up in foreign hands, without any benefits accruing to the local community where the resources and knowledge was extracted. This, therefore, raises the questions: What is the missing link? Why has the government put in several initiatives that should enhance biodiversity use, yet these initiatives have not resulted in tangible benefits to the community and the country as a whole? This Book “Biodiversity, Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property in Kenya: The Legal and Institutional Framework for Sustainable Economic Development” attempts to answer these queries by examining the legal and institutional framework for biodiversity conservation and intellectual property and its impact on livelihoods and development |
File Size: 1.11 MB No of Downloads: 11448. |
Thu, Oct 4, 2012 |
Youth Research CompendiumAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: General, That Kenya has a large and growing youthful population is an indisputable matter. The salience of this demographic feature found empirical confirmation during the National Population and Housing Census held in 2009. With the established fact of a youthful population come a number of certainties and uncertainties in the medium to long term for the country. Because Scenarios building provide a useful methodology for examining and holding conversations during periods of uncertainty, the opportunity opened up for the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA-Kenya) to undertake its second Scenarios project based on examining the question of a large and growing youthful population. This Research compendium contains a number of chapters covering various parts of the lives and state of play regarding experience and contributions of youth to education, technology, sports, health and demography, family formation, participation in politics, crime and vigilantism and employment. These eleven chapters reveal insights and create new understanding about the lives of youth based on careful review and subjecting common assumptions to as strenuous tests as is possible. As you will note in looking further, the consolidated story about the youth in Kenya is neither as simple nor as simple nor as subject to hasty generalization as often encountered. Indeed, it is out of the realization of this complexity that the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA-Kenya) commenced the scenarios project by examining the lives, perspectives and data about youth around the 11 themes. It is clear that this research journey has yielded particularly insightful lessons.
File Size: 7.83 MB No of Downloads: 10148. |
Thu, Jul 12, 2012 |
Applied Budget Work: Training of Trainers’ ManualAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: Budget, This is a Training of Trainers’ (TOT) manuals intended for civil society organizations that work around budget issues supposed to demystify the budget and also encourage these organizations to understand that the budget can be used as a tool of accountability. As such it is intended to equip them with skill and techniques to undertake budget analysis as well as apply other budget work skills in order to effectively participate thoughout the budget cycle. |
File Size: 1.37 MB No of Downloads: 1430. |
Thu, Jul 12, 2012 |
Existing Mechanism for the Public to Engage in Budget Making Process in KenyaAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: Economic Development, The objective of this manual is to raise awareness of the existing opportunities and avenues for the public to engage throughout the national budget cycle of Kenya as well as provide an overview of the principles underlying participatory budgeting and further outline best practices in participatory budgeting. It is expected that cumulatively through this manual civil society and generally public participation in the budget making processes would increase and the degree of inclusivity in decision making processes enhanced. Ultimately civil society members and local citizens would be well equipped with information and knowledge to be able to fully participate in budget making and be able to meaningfully influence public service delivery, planning and allocation of public resources. Additionally, it is assumed that CSOs representatives who participate in training on this manual would in turn pass on the skills and knowledge so gained to empower their constituents and the ripple effect is expected to bear inclusitivity in budgeting practices. |
File Size: 433.41 KB No of Downloads: 569. |
Sun, Jul 8, 2012 |
UNICEF Youth Review InvestmentTheme: General,This report is an attempt to assess the youth situation in Kenya by reviewing various Government of Kenya policy documents as well as United Nations (UN), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Bank publications. It also seeks to outline investments on youth by various actors |
File Size: 453.52 KB No of Downloads: 13827. |
Tue, Nov 15, 2011 |
“KEYS” – short form for Kenya Youth Scenarios – is a project by young people aimed at extrapolating what that conversation might look like. IEA-Kenya used the scenarios building methodology to conduct research and analysis in order to understand various forces at play in the youth sector, how they interact and what they may produce in the future. This booklet is therefore a documentation of what Kenya’s youth perceive to be the possible scenarios Kenya will have to face by 2031“KEYS” – short form for Kenya Youth Scenarios – is a project by young people aimed at extrapolating what that conversation might look like. IEA-Kenya used the scenarios building methodology to conduct research and analysis in order to understand various forces at play in the youth sector, how they interact and what they may produce in the future. This booklet is therefore a documentation of what Kenya’s youth perceive to be the possible scenarios Kenya will have to face by 2031 |
File Size: 3.78 MB No of Downloads: 8433. |
Tue, Nov 15, 2011 |
KEYS Youth Scenarios Booklet 2011Theme: General,“KEYS” – short form for Kenya Youth Scenarios – is a project by young people aimed at extrapolating what that conversation might look like. IEA-Kenya used the scenarios building methodology to conduct research and analysis in order to understand various forces at play in the youth sector, how they interact and what they may produce in the future. This booklet is therefore a documentation of what Kenya’s youth perceive to be the possible scenarios Kenya will have to face by 2031. |
File Size: 3.78 MB No of Downloads: 8626. |
Wed, May 11, 2011 |
Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Funds Utilisation and Management: Training of Trainers’ ManualAuthor(s): IEA Kenya,Theme: Budget, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a management tool that forms an integral part of planning, policy formulation and analysis and decision making process. It reveals achievement of results and performance of activities, projects and programmes hence entrenching accountability and responsibility and thus it is a key element of a country’s public financial management system. An effective M&E system has three fundamental roles, namely: processing information for decision-making for instance, in resource allocation; assessing performance of individuals and institutions through accountability and incentives mechanisms and communicating and disseminating of information that is collected. |
File Size: 1.01 MB No of Downloads: 565. |