The objective of economic growth is only easily attainable within a context of a functional and predictable institutional and political arrangement. The political tensions of the 90s and the dwindling creditability of government have greatly depressed investor confidence.
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Wed, Mar 8, 2000
First Quarter Analysis of the 1999/2000 budget
Theme: General,
In this second issue of the Budget Focus, we undertake an analysis of the first quarter of the 1999/2000 financial year, focussing on first quarter allocation and exspenditure trends in seven ministries—all considered critical to poverty eradication. The report attempts to determine whether allocations made correspond with expenditure incurred. The ministries examined are Office of the President (OP),
Agriculture and Rural Development, Education, Health, Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Roads and Public Works.
File Size: 189.90 KB No of Downloads: 1480.
Sun, Mar 5, 2000
Budgeting for the Nation
Theme: General,
Issues of public finance management and expenditure have always attracted public interest. However, this quest has been frustrated by an information drought which has only succeeded in alienating the public further from this important subject. It is in response to this that the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) has designed a Budget Information Programme (BIP) which, apart from mobilising public and professional
input into the Budget, also undertakes to monitor expenditure.