Bulletins and Briefs ( 243 Found )

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Wed, Sep 13, 2023

Analysis of Kitui County First Quarter (Q1), Second Quarter (Q2) and Third Quarter (Q3) of Financial Year 2022/23 Budget Implementation Report

Author(s): IEA-Kenya,

Theme: Budget, Economic Literacy,

The IEA-Kenya in partnership with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and CARITUS Kitui, synthesized the first, Second, third quarter of 2022/23 BIRR for Kitui County as part of the “Financial Transparency and Accountability” project. In the analysis, the objective is to establish whether budget implementation is progressing according to the approved budget. Whereas in practice budgets may not always be implemented exactly as they were approved, this analysis will attempt to explain any significant gaps, as these may raise credibility issues.

This brief is intended for public education and policy discourse.Ultimately, this is expected to enhance citizen participation and voice in closing the accountability loop of the budget cycle

File Size: 608.67 KB
No of Downloads: 655.

Tue, Sep 12, 2023

Analysis of Kisumu County First Quarter (Q1), Second Quarter (Q2) and Third Quarter (Q3) of Financial Year 2022/23 Budget Implementation Report

Theme: Budget,

Kisumu’s overall performance on budget implementation is below average. It has performed especially low on such indicators as the wage bill where it spent more than three quarters ranking second last as across the members of the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) which had an average ratio of 61%. This brief will form a series of analysis and insights for public education and policy discourse. Ultimately, this is expected to enhance citizen participation and advocacy in closing the accountability loop of the budget cycle process and ultimately, with the hope of promoting the prudent use of public funds by ensuring timely advice on the budgets.

Whereas the main focus of this brief is on Kisumu County Government, however, regional comparison with its economic partners in the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) is also made to draw further insights.

File Size: 1.18 MB
No of Downloads: 764.

Tue, Sep 12, 2023

Analysis of Busia County First Quarter (Q1), Second Quarter (Q2) and Third Quarter (Q3) of Financial Year 2022/23 Budget Implementation Report

Author(s): IEA Kenya,

Theme: Budget,

The IEA-Kenya in partnership with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Community Empowerment and Development Centre (CEDC) Busia, synthesizes first quarter-Q1, second quarter-Q2 and third quarter-Q3 of FY 2022/23 BIRR for Busia County as part of the “Financial Transparency and Accountability” project. In the analysis, the objective is to establish whether budget implementation is progressing according to the approved budget. Whereas in practice budgets may not always be implemented exactly as they were approved, this analysis will attempt to explain any significant gaps, as these may raise credibility issues.

This brief will form a series of analysis and insights that the IEA-Kenya will generate, intended for public education and policy discourse. Ultimately, this is expected to enhance citizen participation and voice in closing the accountability loop of the budget cycle.

File Size: 783.81 KB
No of Downloads: 574.

Wed, Aug 30, 2023

Disrupting Kleptocracy by Advancing Beneficial Ownership Transparency: The Legal Background in Kenya

Author(s): Fiona Okadia, Stephen Jairo,

Theme: Kleptocracy,

This brief starts by providing an introductory summary of the legal underpinnings that forms the basis for matters around beneficial ownership information in Kenya, and the need to enhance transparency of the same in the country. It gives a global outlook, which details the definition of a beneficial owner as has been agreed upon by the Financial Action task Force (FATF). The FATF is the global agency responsible for monitoring money laundering and terrorism financing through the establishment of international standards with the target of stopping these criminal activities and the damage they cause to society at large.

File Size: 366.77 KB
No of Downloads: 432.

Wed, Aug 30, 2023

Combating Contemporary Kleptocracy: State of Play in Kenya

Author(s): Fiona Okadia,

Theme: Kleptocracy,

This brief begins by an overall introduction, which brings forth the intersection between the need to enhance transparency of beneficial ownership information and the benefits thereof in combating kleptocracy. It further details the journey that Kenya has undertaken in this endeavour, and the results from the interviews conducted in five distinct areas; Availability, Collection, Standardization, Risks, and Levels of involvement of the various stakeholders in this endeavour. The brief finalizes by providing general as well as specific recommendations to the business registration service, business community representatives, and CSOs.

File Size: 345.38 KB
No of Downloads: 405.

Tue, Jul 25, 2023

Analysis of the Proposed Implementation of a Unique Personal Identifier System in Kenya: Comparative Perspectives

Author(s): Jackline Kagume, Leo Kipkogei Kemboi,

Theme: Economic Policy,

The concept of digital public goods (DPGs) is new, particularly in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and they possess three fundamental characteristics: they are non-rivalrous, non-excludable, and it is widely accepted that digital public goods would be globally available. These properties allow DPGs to counteract limited access to information technologies. We note that limiting the supply of digital public goods would widen the global digital divide and reduce the immense benefits that an efficient supply of digital public goods would provide1

File Size: 427 kb
No of Downloads: 680.

Mon, Jul 10, 2023

Citizen’s Alternative Budget 2023/2024

Author(s): IEA-Kenya,

Theme: Budget,

The Citizen’s Alternative Budget contains budget proposals from the public and private sector stakeholders, who attended the IEA annual pre-budget hearings that took place on 18th and 19th January, 2023 virtually. The proposals submitted were consolidated and synthesized by the IEA according to the various Medium Terms Expenditure Framework (MTEF) sectors, largely based on their feasibility, whether they make economic sense and whether they are in line with the national priorities of the government. Furthermore, this alternative budget takes cognizance of the budget policy statement 2023/2024 as a pre-budget statement that sets the macroeconomic framework through which the government will prepare the forthcoming budget and the National Treasury notices on the guidelines on budget proposal submissions for the fiscal budget for the financial year 2023/2024.

File Size: 1.09 MB
No of Downloads: 319.

Thu, Jun 29, 2023

Education Financing In Kenya: Policy Options Based On Simulations And Scenarios

Author(s): Jairus Kedogo, Winnie Ogejo,

Theme: Education,

Since its inception, the Higher Education Loans Board has financed more than 1,126,308 students to a tune of Ksh.117.8 billion pursuing higher education in both public and private universities, technical training institutes and polytechnics. As such, HELB was introduced to cushion students from disadvantaged families against adverse financial difficulties, and to ensure no eligible student drops out of the university due to lack of funds to further their education. Financing of higher education is in line with the government’s Big Four Agenda and Vision 2030 which will play a crucial role in transforming the country to a middle-income economy. For the country to move towards the realization of these blue prints, the government must increase funding to expand the knowledge and the required skills of its people to match the demand for the workplace. This begins by investing in quality and affordable education for its citizens.

File Size: 281.58 KB
No of Downloads: 363.

Tue, Jun 6, 2023


Author(s): Public Finance Management (PFM)Team,

Theme: Budget,

What is the overall estimated budget for 2023/24 and how will it be financed?

File Size: 234kb
No of Downloads: 2936.